Increased Funding Can Help A Catholic School To Excel In These Areas

Although individual situations can vary from state to state and from city to city, it's often the case that Catholic high schools are better funded than their public counterparts. If you've been weighing the two education options for your children and are on the fence about how to proceed, the top-notch funding of Catholic schools may help you to lean in that favor. Schools that get more money can often offer a better learning environment and overall experience for students, which should be something that excites every parent. Here are some ways that increased funding can help the school provide for its students.

Fine Arts Programs

When a school lacks funding, the fine arts department is often one that gets hit the hardest. Even if your child doesn't have aspirations to be a professional visual artist, musician, or actor, an education that includes exposure to the fine arts can be enriching. Many Catholic high schools have exemplary fine arts programs that will expose children to each of the disciplines that fall under this umbrella. Being exposed to playing a stringed instrument at a young age, for example, may give your child a lifelong appreciation of music.


Catholic high schools, thanks in part to the increased funding that they receive, frequently have competitive athletics programs that can compete well with teams from across the state. Adequate funding in this area means that the school can not only afford good equipment, but can also offer its students good practice and playing fields, high-quality locker and training facilities, and expert instruction. If your child aspires to earn a college athletic scholarship in any sport from football to rowing, a Catholic school education can be an asset in the child's journey.

Field Trips

Increased funding commonly gives Catholic high schools the chance to offer memorable field trip opportunities to their students. At public high schools, field trips can often be few and far between because of a lack of funding, but this isn't typically the case within the Catholic learning environment. Field trips are an opportunity for your child to learn outside of the school's four walls, while also giving back to the community. For example, some Catholic schools will look for field trip opportunities in which they serve people in need, whether it's by volunteering for an organization that helps the poor or even contributing to a building project for those who are in need.

For more information, contact a school like Peninsula Catholic.
